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List of Scaldwell Parish Councillors:


Margaret Vinton (Chairman)

Jane Monk (Vice-Chairman)

Pamela Long

Martin Kelly

Rob Thorne

Sue Dodds-Smith

Joan Randell 


Parish Clerk: Katrina Jones, 77 High Street, Naseby, Northants NN6 6DD. Email: scaldwellpc@gmail.com


The Powers and Functions of a Parish Council

Parish Councils are elected bodies, with discretionary powers and rights laid down by Parliament to represent their communities and provide services for them. Parish Councils are the first tier of local government and the closest to the community they serve. All local authorities are constituted in the same way with Councillors elected by the local government electorate and a Chairman, who must be one of them.

A Parish Council must act within the law. It can only spend, raise or use money if it has a statutory power to do so, otherwise it acts ultra vires (beyond its powers).

Local Councils have a wide range of powers under different acts of Parliament. Most of these powers are discretionary, ie the Council may do something, rather than it must do something. The exercise of these powers may be subject to various consents, from, for example, the owner of land or another public body such as the highways authority.

Almost all Parish Council powers are concurrent with those of the Unitary Council, i.e. the power may be exercised by either the Parish Council or the Unitary Council.

A Parish Council has the right to raise money by precept (a mandatory demand) on the Unitary Council. The precept required by the Parish Council is then collected by the Unitary Council as part of the council tax levied on tax payers in that parish.

Parish Councils act as a sounding board for local opinion and have important rights of consultation. The Unitary Council is obliged by law to consult the Parish Council on certain matters affecting the Parish.



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